Distractions! They are everywhere. The world is a busy place and t often daily life can become chaotic. It takes a lot of “doing” to keep up with the demands of society. People want my time for church, civic organizations, youth activities, etc., etc..

Many of those distractions were put aside this past week as I took time to rest and allow my body to gain strength. While I was worrying if my choice may have disappointed some I remembered Mary and Martha in Luke 10:38-41. Martha was busy “doing” all the preparations expected of a hostess and Mary sat at Jesus’ feet. Of course, Martha was offended that Jesus would allow Mary to do nothing. Jesus sadly responded, “Mary was chosen what is better.”

Listening to Jesus in not “doing nothing.” It is God’s command. Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still and know that I am God.” He didn’t say that grew closer to Him by “doing” things for Him. I may have been doing good works in all the things that keep me busy but I wasn’t taking time to listen. My body grew weary of all the “doing” but so did my spirit.

One day I was ready my Bible and writing and I realized I was feeling stronger and was filled with joy. Was this what God wanted me to do? I believe it was. I was charging ahead on my own and not taking time to listen to God. Last week I sat with God’s word and let the Marthas in my life do all the work.

Have you ever felt you were doing good works to please people instead of God? How did you stop and listen for God’s guidance?

1 Comment. Leave new

Nancey, you just made my day. I did almost nothing today; just sat, prayed, read a while, and “rested.” I was beginning to feel a bit lazy when I read your post. Yes, sometimes we do need to rest; and don’t let people tell you that if you work harder at church or other helpful activities it will bring you closer to God. No. Sometimes we just need to be still and know that He is God.

I’ll be on the go again tomorrow, but for today I’m resting too. Bless you!


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