The words we choose make a difference. Some may have a similar meaning but in context give a completely different picture. A few weeks ago I made the comment, “The world revolves around me.” It would have been more accurate to say, “I have vertigo and the world is spinning around me.”

When growing up, my mother’s greatest compliment was, “That’s not too bad.” The enfaces on “too” left me feeling whatever I did was not good, it just wasn’t as bad as she expected.

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” (Ephesians 4:29 NIV) I always thought of unwholesome talk as the tough language of the guys when women weren’t around. This scripture makes it clear anything you say that does not encourage someone is unwholesome.

Choose what you say with purpose. The correct word and the tone of the expression are important in communicating. Remember, if what you are saying is not positive then it is unwholesome.

Have you ever regretted saying something? How did you resolve the hurt it caused?

2 Comments. Leave new

Thanks, Nancey, for another thoughtful post. My big thing about saying words, was when after my father died, and I realized I hadn’t told him that I loved him. I resolved, then. to always tell people I appreciate them. You never know when you might not have the chance again. So, of course, that generally rules out negative talk, which always makes one feel sorry for having said it.


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