“The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even thou we have rebelled against him.” Daniel 9:9
Part of our inheritance as children of God is to be forgiven. Christ died and paid the price for our sins. When we confess, He is generous to forgive.
That forgiveness is not just something we receive; God has given it to us that we may be able to pass it on. All of us have experienced pain caused by someone else. What we do with that pain becomes an influence in our lives. When we replay wounds over in our mind or repeat them to others, they recreate the injury again and again. The pain becomes poison making us physically and spiritually sick. We can’t spiritually grow until we ask God for forgiveness, in the same way we are not spiritually healthy until we give forgiveness to those who have wronged us.
Ephesians 4:32 reminds us, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Not only are we told to forgive; our own forgiveness will be measured against how we forgive others.
So what have we inherited? When God asks us to do something, He gives us the tools to do it. Part of our inheritance is the ability to forgive others and freeing ourselves of the heavy weight of bitterness.
How have you forgiven someone who you held a grudge against?
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I have forgiven this computer system that has twice deleted what I wrote because the system “timed out”. I did laugh after the first time when I realized the similarity between a person and a computer programer/computer system. The second time made me realize I had to leave this page and start all over again because just coming back to the page did not reset the timer. I will come back and give my wonderful blog when I have time to do it all at once.
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