This is the season of Lent, a time of preparation leading up to Easter. We know that Easter is a celebration of the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. He knew He would die and He prepared for it by spending time in prayer with His Father.
How do we prepare for Easter? Traditionally, one would give up something for Lent. I always thought it was like making a New Year’s resolution. No one really did it, or stuck to it. Abstinence for Lent is so much more. The purpose is to replace something in your life with Jesus. This spiritual discipline of giving up something for 40-days will strengthen your relationship with Him.
Think carefully about what is in your life that may have come between you and serving Christ with your whole heart? Gambling? Drinking? Cigarettes? Many things could be on the list. Not all are as obvious. What about gossiping? Lying? Or one of my favorites: negative talk. My problem isn’t so much saying bad things about others as saying them about myself.
“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” (Ephesians 4:29 NIV) The “others” include the person in the mirror.
In preparing for Easter this year, give up any negative talk and remember Jesus died for you because you are that important to Him.
How will you prepare for Easter? What is holding you back from serving Christ with your whole heart?
1 Comment. Leave new
Very interesting, Nancey. I hadn’t thought of Jesus taking forty days before the cross to do anything more than he ordinarily did – keep close to the Presence of our Father. I’ll meditate on THAT.