Photography is a hobby that my husband, Jon, and I enjoy. He has a camera where he can choose all the settings for each frame. I point and shoot. He takes time to look at the lighting, focus and angle, and calculates what his finished photo will look like. I say, “That looks pretty good,” and then click.
Automatic is easier and sometimes I get just as dramatic a result as Jon does. But automatic isn’t always the best choice, especially when it comes to what we are focusing our minds on. Allowing our human nature to run autofocus through our thoughts can end with an unclear scene. If someone hurts our feelings, our mind will zoom in on the raw emotions as the focal point. When our feelings come into focus, the feelings of those around us may become blurred. We wouldn’t know that if we are centering the whole scene only around ourselves.
Some pictures may be attractive with only one image, but more often that image can be enhanced by including something to compare or contrast it to. Focusing our thoughts from only one angle never gives us a clear image of the bigger picture. When we zoom our attention out to include others in the frame, we may have to change some of the settings to assure each of us are in focus. It may take some thought and planning.
Don’t let your thoughts be point and shoot. Take the time to set your mind with God’s word. Adjust your thinking with compassion and forgiveness. Then watch the lighting change to where you can see everything clearer.
Have you ever focused on your own hurt, then found out that you were the one who misunderstood the situation? How did you refocus your frame of mind?
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Nancey, a great post! Yes, I’ve found that I overreacted to situations by making assumptions that other people didn’t have my best interests in mind. Later, I found out that what they were doing was completely kind and serving others. I had to put down my pride and ask God to change my heart and make it humble. He did that by teaching me to trust more deeply. I’m learning that in spite of people’s mistakes, I can relax into the outcome, because God is in control. Zooming out comes with practice.