I reclined in the chair with my little grandson, Liam, asleep on my lap and watched his peaceful face. My heart overflowed with love. Of course, he was my grandson and I felt a close bond. I would do anything for him.

This is the type of love I believe Mother Teresa must have felt for all God’s children. She worked with the under-privileged, the sick and the destitute as if each were her own. Jesus said in Matthew 25:45, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.” To this dedicated servant every person represented God, who created all.

I work to help feed the homeless and the hungry. I care about them but they don’t stir the same feeling in my heart as Liam does. Sometimes I don’t feel any love for them until after I have reached out to help. God gave me a desire to help the needy. And He will fill me with His love for them. But can I really except to love them like I do my precious grandson?

Has God given love for someone who you didn’t think you could love? How did that affect you?

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