I woke up this morning to the sound of rain cascading past my window and I wanted to stay in bed. As my dog encouraged me to get up, I thought of Psalm 118:34:

“This is the day the Lord has made;” Yes, the Creator of all things, from the massive universe to the tiny fingers of a newborn baby, made this day for me. He is the one who brought my path to this place in time where I can lie in bed and watch the rain, or get up and fill my day with activity. He gives me life and I choose what to do with it.

“Let us rejoice,” I choose to give Him thanks and praise for whatever happens.

“And be glad in it.” When I feel gratitude toward God, I am filled with joy and happiness.

This can be the perfect morning prayer. It begins by addressing who the Lord is, then says what I should do and ends with how I will feel. I repeat this verse as I get ready for my day to make a difference in my mood. Grumbling is erased with thankfulness.

Do you begin your morning with the weight of the day’s agenda? Or do you take a few minutes to connect with your Creator and let Him ease your load?

1 Comment. Leave new

When I begin my day with prayer and connection with our creator, they day goes so much better. Even the daily setbacks and bad drivers don’t disturb my communion and peace. Just jumping into the day on my own is usually a bad move. Great reminder, Great verse.


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