I have a friend on Face Book who is polar opposite of me on politics. But as Christians our priorities are higher than politics.
A few weeks ago his grandson went missing. The family’s pain resonated deep in me. I understood the terrifying fear, the guarded hope and most of all the uncertainty.
When I was a junior in high school my sister disappeared. It was over thirty years before we learned her fate. The desire for answers never left.
My friend did not have to wait long before the uncertainty and hope were over. His grandson’s body was soon found. The family may have some answers but new questions have taken their place.
The pain I shared with my friend erased our differences for the moment. Neither of us changed politically but we were reminded that as humans we share a common foundation. Ephesians 4:29 reminds us “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”
God is showing me that even in politics the words from my mouth need to be wholesome, not tearing down those I disagree with; for, like my friend, their needs may be great.

Do you present a different attitude for religious discussions than you do for political? Why?

3 Comments. Leave new

So true, Nancey. I try to always be kind no matter what opposing opinions I have with my friends. How sad about your friend’s child. I can NOT understand WHY some people have no heart, no conscience to do some of the in humane things they do. (Not that this happened to your friend – the child could have wandered off and died a natural death). But, well.. heinous crimes are so illogical. Thanks for making me think! — BTW I always like coming to your site. It’s so PRETTY!

Virginia Lowry
October 25, 2012 10:37 pm

Hi Nancy, I am sorry for your friend and their family. It is hard not to know what has happened as we well know. Now we have the chance to re unite with your sister, who is my niece, so God is good. We don’t have all the answers but I am working on them with her and maybe some day we will all know the whys. I sure hope so. The best is knowing she had a daughter that has joined our family with her husband and children and we are getting to know her. I just keep praying that someday her son will forgive her and reunite with her. Maybe your friends story will help him see the light and that with God’s help all things can be and will be overcome. Love you and your delightful family. Aunt Ginger


Jane, sorry to say that this not a young child wandering off but a 17-yr old boy. Most likely not an accident. Aunt Ginger, sometimes I am surprised how Sandy’s disappearance still effects me. I love Melissa and her family and hope someday Sandy will allow us to get to know her.


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